13 Juli, 2008

Elastisitas dan Perencanaan Tenaga Kerja Di Sulawesi Tenggara

LM.Harafah, Pengajar pada Departemen Ilmu Ekonomi & Studi Pembangunan Faklutas Ekonomi Universitas Haluoleo, (Riset Lengkap di muat dalam JURNAL EKONOMI PEMBANGUNAN FE-UNHALU Volume 1 Nomor 1 Juni 2008,hal 1-11)

The Aim of this research was to analysis/lecturer in detail about man power elasticity and planning in south east Sulawesi province. The research limited at situation man power and output (PDRB) sector and regional.

The analysis method used I this research were quantitative and qualitative descriptive. Quantitative method, formulation that used were labour elasticity (Le) for sectoral and regional.
The results of research showed that the labour (man power) elasticity that in elastic in five years (2003th–2007th period) were agriculture sector, lamp/gas/clean water, trade/hotel/restaurant and service factor. For sector that elastic were mining sector , industry (2003th – 2004th period), construction (2005th – 2006th period) transport/ communication (2005th- 2006th period) and finance sector (2004th-2005th period).

According the result of research indicated that labour (man power) elasticity regional in South East Sulawesi Province were in elastic in five years (2003th – 2007th).

Keywords : Elasticity, man power, labour, planning.

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